Electronic Music


Hamandra: “I believe I could do a lot of things.”

January 25, 2021
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This summer for our girl has been game-changing in the music scene because of her debut DJ performance. I have asked her for details regarding that weekend, I’m glad I had a chance to witness it myself. I proudly present Hamandra with her interview for the label about herself, residency, ideas, and a general understanding of the worlds that we live in.

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Electronic Music for 1.5 Billion People

February 19, 2020
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A recent study by IMS Business showed that electronic music is the third most popular music genre in the world, estimated with 1.5 billion listeners. Survey of 19,000 consumers aged 16-64 in 18 countries; 32% revealed that typically they listen to electronic, dance and house music, ranking it way ahead of rap, R’n’B and hip hop music styles. Applying this to the global 16-64 y/o population would mean over 1.5bn people typically listen to Electronic Music.

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Mira JooDorio Vanti95 FahrenheitAriaCosmic KittyAamirMacarronica