Just before she arrives at Cervo upcoming Monday, we had a chance to talk about her inspiration, moods, and dreams. Meet Sarah Lynn.

Can you name a movement or people who pushed you to where you are now?
The artist who continues to inspire me and had a primary role in my transition from trance to techno is Kliment.
Fun Fact: I used to listen to his Tech-Sets at the time while I was trimming weed on a farm in California, so I guess that would be a movement that is partially responsible for getting me where I am right now.
Try to imagine, what you would be doing if music was never been introduced to you?
I believe the general desire to express oneself ultimately outweighs the medium. In my case, if it wasn’t for music I believe I would’ve followed writing.
What did you want to be when you were a child?
As ashamed as I am admitting this today. I wanted to become a police officer.
Luckily some dreams die young.
Aside from music, what do you like to do in your free time?
The same things that everyone does I guess – try to think less, feel more & not miss laundry day.
What is your favourite time of the year, and how does it influence your creativity?
For music all the dark and cold months, I am happy not to feel bad for not coming out of the studio for days.
What does your typical week usually look like?
Life maintenance, self-care, music, repeat.

Can you tell us about your debut as a Djane?
A night to remember Nov.2019, Cologne, Outdoors. Cold as fuck. Freezing really.
Had to put tape on the mixer, so I wouldn’t get the channels twisted. Just like a true beginner. Definitely lit up that dancefloor, though.
What was your most memorable performance and where did it take place?
Aside from my first Gig, Nov. 2020, Berlin, Mensch Meier (Ketoga Party). It felt like
everything just fell into place. TeflonShoulders. Shout out Laxberger (@laxberger).
There are bad days for everyone: how do you keep yourself motivated creatively?
Actually bad days tend to fuel my creativity. No further motivation needed.
How do you usually prepare before a gig, how much space do you leave for improvisation in your sets?
Right now I feel like a crazy perfectionist, borderline neurotic really. Unfortunately at the moment, there seems no room for Improvising – but I’m hoping
that’s going to change. Soon.
The dream collaboration. Who would you like to share the stage with?
One of my closest friends is doing fire performances. I am looking forward to collaborating with her and her fire-magic in the future. Shout out Onion, Luv u! (@flowbia_Philie)
What is your standard or most preferred technical setup for the performance?
2 Pioneer XDJ 1000 MK2 combined with an Allen and Heath Xone. Never mind the
Model, they all sound badass!
What is your most memorable concert you’ve ever gone to listen to?
Korn. Back when non-electronic music was still a thing.
Do you have a celebrity crush?
No. Or is the Chesire Cat considered a celebrity? We’re all mad here.
Name three artists that currently inspire you?
Luis M, Crescendoll & Rocko Schamoni.
What is one track that never gets old for you no matter how many times you hear it?
Kliment – See The Fear.
We’re setting up your performance at Cervo on Valentine’s Day in a week. How does it make you feel and what can we expect?
Expect about 50 favorite tracks, meticulously thought out and put together, spiced
with a fuck -load of excitement. Dark, minimalistic, full of drive, with just the right of psy(psychedelic). But Gangsta. Which, coincidentally, could also be used to describe me in a nutshell. Everything but the Gangsta, at least.
What could you wish for your listeners?
As cheesy as it sounds, I just want them to have a good time. Maybe inspire someone to explore further depths of music, just like I am continuously inspired by others.