Matteo Martinelli


Matteo Martinelli: “Create, Make Mistakes, Persist, Until You Gain Mastery”

January 11, 2024
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Matteo Martinelli, hailing from Florence, Italy, blends introspection and passion in his musical quest of ambient techno. After a five-year hiatus, he’s back with “Will”, the final release of 2023 for Plazma Records, expertly concluding the year on a high note. In our interview, discover Matteo’s story, artistic insights, and advice for aspiring producers.

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Plazmatic Sessions

Matteo Martinelli – Plazmatic Sessions #563

November 12, 2023
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We are excited to present an exclusive radio show featuring Matteo Martinelli, a valued associate of Plazma Records. In addition, Martinelli is soon poised to elevate his musical expression to new heights with his latest work – a solo EP titled “Will.” This 4-track release with a mind-blowing flow of driving techno is set in motion, and we’re eager to hear your thoughts on it.

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